Organisation: Dr. Primoz Repar, Central European Research Institute of Søren Kierkegaard, CERI-SK, Ljubljana, Slovenia



The 9th International Philosophical Symposium of Miklavž Ocepek

The 11th International Philosophical Conference and Workshop


How to encourage the individual in the apocalypse to make an existential turn towards a new oikonomia of relationships?

In cooperation with Cankarjev dom and Krušče Creative Center.

Krušče and Ljubljana, 9th – 16th of June 2023


Paula Arizpe (MX): On the impossibility of not being Pascalian

The Works of Blaise Pascal have been a source of inspiration ever since were written.

The very interesting fact is that he did not agree with Rene Descartes´ division of res cogitans and res extensa but his life exemplifies perfectly such dichotomy. This paper intends to show:

  1. The esthetics of his pragmatic works
  2. The depth of his spiritual reflection
  3. The Gordian knot tide between the res cogitans and extensa in Arrow´s theorem
  4. The triumphant solution of a good life and its redundant benefits.





Organizer: Central European Research Institute Soeren Kierkegaard, Slovenia

Co-organizer: KUD Apokalipsa, Slovenia

Co-organizer of the international conference: Cankarjev dom Ljubljana

Creative center Krušče, Krušče: from the 9st to the 13th of June, 2022

Cankarjev dom Ljubljana: from the 14th to the 16th of June, 2022

School of Philosophy Unije: from the 18th of June to the 25th of June, 2022


The symposium is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of KUD Apokalipsa, the 10th anniversary of the Central European Research Institute Soeren Kierkegaard and the 500th anniversary of the birth of Blaise Pascal (1623-1662).

The theme: How to encourage the individual in the apocalypse to make an existential turn towards a new oikonomia of relationships?


The 10th International Philosophical Conference and Workshop of Søren Kierkegaard


                Igor Bijuklič (SI)

Dwarf Titans: Günther Anders and the Promethean gap as a new position of man in the technical age

For Günther Anders, one of the more original thinkers of the metamorphosis of the human psyche in the technical age, year 1945 marked the beginning of a new era in which the human condition fundamentally changed. The omnipotence of humanity appears in reverse, not as creation from nothing, but as reduction to nothing. The ability to set in motion processes on earth similar to those that take place on the surface of the sun, that is to say, the ability for humanity to produce its own end, inaugurates the "dwarf titans". With the advent of modern technology for Anders, an unbridgeable gap is created between the various human capacities, most markedly between what we can produce (technically conceive, invent) and, on the other hand, the human capacity for imagination. Human imagination, perception, emotion, language become extremely limited in the face of the almost infinite effects of our technical achievements. Within this modern schizophrenia, this new conditio humana, which Anders calls the "Promethean gap" (Prometheische Geffäle), imagining the ultimate effects of our own doing is no longer so easily attainable. Even more, within the technical division of labour and responsibilities, is no longer our task and concern. The oversized and the unimaginable are inscribed in our technical doing, and so it can easily happen that the most horrifying and terrible things no longer arouse our concern and emotion. How, if at all, is it possible to bridge this gap?

Keywords: Günther Anders, modern technic, titans




Organizer: Central European Research Institute Soeren Kierkegaard, Slovenia

Co-organizer: KUD Apokalipsa, Slovenia

Co-organizer of the international conference: Cankarjev dom Ljubljana

Ulica Lili Novy 25, 1000 Ljubljana: from the 6st to the 8th of June, 2022

Cankarjev dom Ljubljana: from the 9th to the 10th of June, 2022

School of Philosophy Unije: from the 12th of June to the 19th of June, 2022


This year's conference and workshop is dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth and 30th anniversary of death of Günther Anders (1902–1992).

Theme: The threat of technology and the hope of existing between "not-yet" and "no-more": How we, the people, can even live in uncertain times of the threat of total elimination of humanity / humanness?

»The technification of the being: the fact that today it is possible that unknowingly and indirectly, like screws in a machine, we can be used in actions, the effects of which are beyond the horizon of our eyes and imagination, and of which, could we imagine them, we could not approve – this fact has changed the very foundations of our moral existence«(Günther Anders, 3 June 1959).

Participants are expected to send their application with a short CV in English, with the title of the paper no later than the 17th of January 2022 to the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. In addition to a short description, the CV should also contain contact information (email address, phone number).

The deadline for submitting abstracts is the 24th of January 2022. Please note the following when submitting your abstract:

-          font: Times New Roman;

-          size: 12;

-          line spacing: 1.5;

-          max. 1.300 characters.

The deadline for submitting the paper, of up to 20.000 characters, is the 25th of February 2022. Papers that will meet the criteria of appropriate quality, prescribed stylistic provisions and citation methods, will be published in the journal Kierkegaard in 2023. The provisions that must be complied with can be found in the document Temp_Contribution attachment. Papers not following the provisions will not be accepted for the 2023 Kierkegaard publication.


Registration fee for foreign participants: 350 EUR (registration fee covers all expenses for accommodation and meals) / in the case of an unfavorable epidemiological picture, it is also possible to participate and present the paper via ZOOM – in this case no registration fee is required.

Registration fee for domestic participants: 50 EUR

Registration fee for the School of Philosophy Unije: 250 EUR (registration fee covers all expenses for accommodation and meals).


Additional information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The 8th International Philosophical Symposium of Miklavž Ocepek

Paula Arizpe (MEX)

Buddhism: The Crazy Wisdom

Spirituality has to do with TRUTH and GOOD and how they are conceived by the human mind. Occidental and Oriental scopes of truth and good are different, and thus the seeked result of happiness.

This paper analyses the gnoseological approach of the Buddhist path to spirituality and compares the noetical parameters where conceptions to both -Buddhist and Christian- approaches rest.

Occidental knowledge of Buddhism is not systematic: this paper exposes the underlying concepts that enable the comparison between both the gnoseological and psychological weave, such as trikaya, primal innocence, eternity, playful phaenomena and devotion.

I also intend not to lose the simple and naive ways in which the Buddhist tradition has spread out worldwide, which I consider part of its profound purity.

The paper concludes as a bridge between both traditions that I hope is useful for either to transit both ways.